If the Heaven is the place without peace, it stills have the murders, rapists,
liars and blasphemers, and they are going to change their clothes to hide the bad
spirits keep on playing the game of devil in Heaven. Honestly, you really want
to come into this Heaven!
Someone would say I was wrong. The above I described is about the Hell,
not the Heaven, so the hypothesis from me is completely incorrect.
I admitted something were haunting me for a long time, it is about the Home
of Spirits; the Heaven whether is the creation of Humans to fill their emptiness,
or, actually its had two different kinds of Heaven, one for the good people,
another for bad guy, and there is no place to call Hell.
If the above saying is right, why the code of the ethical of Human
history is always telling us need to be a good people, stay away from the evil
things, and have to get the pass come into the heaven!
That is a problem of philosophy, and whether the conservative religious
concept is untimely.
Perhaps we still can not making sure why the good person is suffering
seriously illness, brutal injuries, and has something worse than death.
So, we are choosing to have compromised there are something difference between ideal and reality, and going
to accept the existence of Heaven, using the concept of Heaven to fill the
answer about why we are suffering.
This is Religious redemption.
In the basis of the concept of redemption, we need a contrast go to
maintain the image of Heaven, So, the hell had been created.