

2014年11月30日 星期日

56 人生 游戲三味

伊德媽 在七月離開了這個世界之後,這個世界並沒有甚麼明顯的改變,還是老樣子的轉動,發生了一些天災緊貼著一些人禍,如此世態展示在一個喪親的孩子面前,感覺是有點兒麻木!
失去了至親的人 看世態,是會有著一份“沉默”;在這種“沉默”當中,會產生出一種跟“大多數身處其中的人”截然不同的領悟!
借用 佛家‧訓言“人生 游戲三味”。
“有時候看似是 幼稚,但又並不全然是 幼稚,
  有時候看似是 笨拙,但又並不全然是 笨拙,
  有時候看似是 老練技巧,但又並不全然是 老練技巧。”
Life is the Games of the three tastes,
  It’s as if a childish, but sometime not to be a childish.
  It’s as if a clumsy, but sometime not to be a clumsy.
  It’s as if a skilful but sometime not to be a skilful.”


現在的世態,就是 不同的“意念素求”都在為自身的理念要求更多更大的實現空間,沒有想到甚麼是“止於至善”;倒有點兒是在鼓動更多的人參與“止於至惡”!

當 人 變得 “成熟”了,就不會去幹“笨拙”的事情,應對多變的人生就會 顯得老練技巧;而最重要的,就是那人 卻 不會知道自己是一個 老練技巧的人;因為,這在於那人而言,只是平素的一言一行,沒有甚麼特別!

2014年11月14日 星期五

28 Mini Greenhouse.

Hong Kong has crowded city, most of the Hong Kong People are living in small apartment, that is not enough space to support people to keep hobbies in their life.
In this situation,  hobbies needs to become miniaturization.
"Mini Greenhouse" is popular in Hong Kong, right now.

My ideas was confirmed in yesterday.

Yesterday, I went to" Monk Kok Flowers Market"'.
I discovered the hottest goods in the stores were "Mini Greenhouse".
The price of "Middle Size Mini Greenhouse" more than one thousand HK dollar,  and the plants in those "Mini Greenhouse" were almost  common species.

That was too expensive.

Therefore,  I always talk to myself  " Please, don't buy it" in the stores

 Finally, I back to home with struggling.

Actually, I have a hobbies of "aquarium",  when my mother was passes away in this year, my aquariums were became to empty.

When I look at three empty aquariums, I have an ideas.

I planted a lot of plants in three empty aquariums, let them became to "Mini Greenhouse", and took some pictures.

My Friends, please let me to know how much price you would be willing to buy these "Mini Greenhouse".

2014年11月12日 星期三

1 Take care of her

The responsibility to take care a patient who in the vegetable state that is a very hard work.
In the past nineteen years, my mother was a patient in vegetable state.
I understand how hard it would be.

In May 1995, after the Brain surgery operation, my mother has became to a patient in vegetable state.
She was fallen into deeply coma in three months.
In my world everything was changed.
Nobody could be reliable as he used to be.
In the hardest period, she has lost Self-breathing function, and need to connect with "breathing machine" to keep her living in ICU.

100 days later. A miracle had happened. She woke up from deeply coma, and stay away from the breathing machine.
However, my mother was became to body paralyzed,

She has no communication with anybody. That mean everything she needs is my responsibility.
That was a great challenge with me.
In honestly, I was afraid of this situation and felt tired of nervous.
My nervous was coming from physical and emotion.
In physically term, that can be used physically exercise to improve.
But in emotionally term, that was complicated.
I had chosen to ignore the nervous, and started to learn how to take care a patient in vegetable state.
My teachers were the doctor and the nurse of Neurosurgery ward. They all knew my mother was my beloved in the world.

In Neurosurgery ward, I am a sensible son of patient. I always to be alert for myself in which thing could not be done, and never let people feels annoying by me.
Therefore, doctors and nurses start to teach me everything I should know in mutual trust case.