I think “The end not is the end” is the
meaningful of why the creatures have spirit.
Life just is a part of the beings using a specific
space to learn how to touch, to feel and to prove as a living in the world.
However, the experiences sometimes of living in the world are painfully, so
that, it is an enlightenment for people try to find out some kinds of meanings are
the better one to explain why I am here, and to confirm the position in the
But not many people had succeeded.
If everyone living in the world could have
felt as similar as in heaven, there is no need to believe and looking forward
to seeing the better one is waiting for us after death; in that way, “The end
is the end” is home.
When the theocracy dominated the Middle Ages
of Europe, “Holy Church ” had superior power explained
everything about the truth of heaven and mortal.
Everybody just believed go to believe God
would be obtain the qualification and have a pass living in the heaven after
death. There is a good picture for mortal to explain who is being lived in sadness
for a long time, and let them starting to learn how to use the special skill
and super power of human.
But, an unknown moron came from the Holy
Church with the power from Bishop to proclaim “People would have lost the
qualification to have a pass living in the heaven after death, if they were
suicide, they will be go to Hell.”
So sad!
Most of the Bishops in the Middle Ages of Europe could have chosen to ignore people living in the world
would be encountered something let them worse than death.
“End of life is a redemption” that is the
reason of people who has decided suicide. In their minds have something let
them to the desire death, and hopes in the other places would be better than
That is an extremely example, not many people
might be agreed.