

2015年12月31日 星期四

87 At the 11 dimension 56 Let us goes to keep the happiness at the Heaven

“Let us goes to keep the happiness at the Heaven”

"Alone" is a mentality of living;
"Sole" is a way of life;
If both of them put into the others type of" Mentality" and "way” by themselves, it would have to produce some different kinds of effects.
When "Alone" has been forced rely on some kinds of social trend style, it might be let us to ignore the feelings about the pained would be found in heart; because, the pained have already been neutralized.
When "Sole" has been depended on a quiet living environment, it would be let us to enjoy without any people come to disturb, and try to restore the abilities for tomorrow.
However, as we let "Alone" and "sole" put together, the other choices of life style would be excluded, it just only could have lived with "lonely" and “a painful environment”, in which has lacked to admire the wonderful of life.

In this kind of stage of mentality, the original of happiness which is staying at the "sole" has been disappeared. If lives without any happiness with "sole"; "alone " would have been came out from  deepest of heart , and combined with the style of life "sole", it would be become to "lonely".

Closed the door, and stay in alone. It could be go to stay up night for reading. It could be go to thinking about the solution to solve problem. Both of these are the positive behaviours, and the good way to perform "sole". Because, it is very clear to know, the aims which worth for fighting, is waiting for them, in far far away. This is "sole" but not "alone", it could have already been tasted the happiness on the way, and towards to the end of the journey. It is the happiness of "sole".

If so, after counting the luggage, but could not found any aim is waiting for us in somewhere, that would never have any happiness on the journey; staying in lives without any happiness, the mentality of "alone" would go to lead the style of living of "sole"; at that moment "lonely " has born.

2015年12月30日 星期三

86 At the 11 dimension 55 We put all the image of mortal into the Heaven

游戲三味 “Life is just a game”
The experience of living, have been included three kinds of wise enlightenment.
是佛家的一句教誨 意思 是以一種“輕鬆的手法”來表達出一些人生智慧。
This is the words of Buddhist; it can be explained to use some kinds of easy way, to proclaim something about wisdom of life.
這三味 就是 似稚非稚,似拙非拙,似巧非巧。
The three kinds of wise enlightenment are;
It is as similar as childish, but is not entirely full of childish.
It is as similar as clumsy, but is not entirely full of clumsy.
It is as similar as skillful, but is not entirely full of skillful.

I think people have to get some evidences, to ensure the future about mankind after the death; is based on they doesn’t know how to accept the end of life.
“Nothing” it would be terrified plenty of people, because, as we were born, we have been taught goes to get anything as we don’t have before, to ensure we can be survive.
We are all got use to have something to let us to survive, and have to got used to keep something real with us, to make a long journey of life becomes to be possible.

So, we put all the image of mortal into the Heaven, to make all of us to be felt in more comfort. That might be let us becomes to a little childish, a little clumsy or a little skillful, as we are going to talk about Heaven.

2015年12月29日 星期二

85 At the 11 dimension 54 At the Heaven who is the leader?

“At the Heaven, who is the leader?”

At the Heaven, who is the leader?
In 2015, the president of United States of America is the leader of the world; because, his armed forces is most of the powerful and skilled in the world; they have been continued fighting in foreign countries over ten years. But, he also have had the abilities led the whole world becomes bankrupt.
The president of United States of America, sitting in the middle of the president of South Korean and the prime minister of Japan, to witness two most of wealthy countries in Asia, to show their political etiquette signed something useless treaty in public.
This picture is going to reveal a messages and show them to the Government of China; “we are not your truly friend”; or, People’s Republic of China have never had truly friend in history.
That is politics.
In the concept of the religion, God is the boss of Heaven. Everyone has been believed God has the abilities goes to find out who is the good person in the world, and gave him a pass entry into the Heaven. This is the authority traditional description from the Holy Church.
If you are devout believer, that is the end of pursuit of knowledge, and no more questions could be asked. Because, you have already been gotten the pass to wait the brightness light at the end of the tunnel takes you into the Heaven.
Unfortunately, a naughty child has always been a lot of questions asked adult.
Why everything must being controlled by God? Even the spirit has already been come out of body, it has gotten freedom, but, it has still been needed obey the law from God!
That is a contradictory concept of freedom. It has revealed some absolutely authority dominated the highest dimension; the Heaven. If that is true, it doesn’t any perfect harmony let people goes to pursuit.

2015年12月28日 星期一

84 At the 11 dimension 53 The meaning of History

When I was a secondary school student, I had a special English Teacher, he had been believed Catholic for a very long time since he was a child, and got used to play a devout believer in life.
Unfortunately, he has also been loved History.
In his career, he has responsibility to teach the subjects of English and History in School, it let him gotten some relative confused during to explain religions how to torment people in Medieval European at History class.
Because, he has precisely known the religion are almost in the whole of Medieval European to make the rude of treat the believers and pagans. So, when he came to Church in every single Sundays, he has been felt very contradictory to pray with God. He could not to persuade himself try to accept the absolutely wrong becomes to righteous behaviour in the religion.
My English teacher has been honestly facing the events of History; he has never went to decorate the shameless of Christianity that have been appeared in History, and to teach his students the Medieval of Religion had full of the scandal to torment people.
His words I have never forgotten, and kept it in my mind until now. But, I have had some enlightenment to make me to get more understood from these pages of History.
The Christianity in Medieval European was not the original edition by God; the features of Creator as similar as kindness, justice and ethics have already been lost. It just some kinds of greedy people have used the name of God goes to plunder the wealth, and try to connect with Kings to establish a political forces to maintain their privilege.
The famous words of Christianity "The God's will" just only spoke out from the mouth of bishops, and without any authorized by God.
Somebody would say: “God did not do anything to influence human being, no matter what the good or the bad, all the events have been done in the history of Humans, just only through the hands of Mankind”.
The “History” is meaning of the story of men, not the “Godhistory”, the story of god.

2015年12月27日 星期日

83 At the 11 dimension 52 The question about Creator appeared in the history of Human

One astronomer asked her students: “If you are Creator, you will be used which style of pattern to create Universe?”
The astronomer has given two answers to her students to make the choice.
The first one is freely to follow what they want to do; honestly, is no planning, the Universe could be disorganized.
The second one is having planned; the pattern is revealing some kinds sense of balance.
The result of the question is almost all of the students are choosing try to make the Universe have become organized and balanced.
Based on this answer of question, the astronomers try to establish an organized Universe in their computer.
After a week of computer operation, the astronomers have had gotten a perfect Universe; no matter what the left side or right side, the up side or down side, all the patterns of Universe are appeared parallel.
What does that meaning for?
Humans has the genes of Creator, so, Humans has the features of Creator; If Humans has wanted to create the patterns of Universe in the style of parallel, that would  have to hypothesis as the Creator created the Universe in the style of parallel.
At this moment, we have really needed to explain what does the parallel meaning for.
Please forgive me to say a boring sentence; its must have been kindness, justice and ethics joining together to present a Harmony Universe.
If someone has not believed religion, this description is a bored word.
But, some interesting in this description is the Creator might not be a metaphysical existence has moral. “He” would be a genius, but has also been cruel personality.
Therefore, when the beginning of Universe to start constructing its pattern, as we had known there was brimming a wildly collision happening in the Universe, many of the stars had been explosion to produce all kinds of elements came to form so many new galaxies, including our solar system.
At the period of constructing Universe, it was not any kindness, justice and ethics going to built anything into the space. Everything was happened by the theories of chemistry, physics, and with time; it was no mercy.
Until life has been being brought into the earth, Humans becomes the master of the world, they want to know the mystery of life, and where they come from. And then, the question about "God" or "Gods" appeared in the history of Human.  

2015年12月25日 星期五

82 At the 11 dimension 51 The ability of no body presence

Let us try to provide a hypothesis of spirits would not have any verbal conversation with other spirits, and with humans; almost all the communication of spirit are using the way of telepathy.
Therefore, as the Humans has gotten used to communicate with verbal conversation, sent and received their own feelings; they have not had any ability, goes to understand the messages come from "no body presence"; the spirit.
This is absolutely different with the scenes in the movie; almost all the ghosts and the gods could be given messages directly to the people by verbal orders.
In the term of Modern medical, if someone has had the ability listen to words of the ghosts and gods, he would be certified to have schizophrenia.
But, in the term of religion, that would be identified the messenger of Gods, and the psychic.

No matter what you whether have believed the existence of metaphysical, you have to confess a lot of people have accepted the no body presence ideas have already been influenced the culture of Mankind, even, its would have been dominating some pages of "The History of Humans" in the future, and would be the serious topics to discuss about the relationships between the devout believer of religion and the atheists of science.

81 At the 11 dimension 50 He created a new Gods named of John

Language is the most of an effective communication method of Humanity; no matter what you are a talkative woman or a silent man, verbal communication is the basis for establish relationship with another person; unless we have the ability of telepathy.
Unfortunately, for the same reason, the verbal communication has also the power to destroy relationship of people who are using unsuitable words to express the feelings to other people.
If John has already been felt a little unfriendly react from another guy, because of that guy has been received some ideas of expression from John , and let that guy to have some misunderstood of the original messages of boon becomes to sneer at him. Afterward, they have never been talking to each other for several years.
This cold war had been continuing for a long time, until John has gone.
During on John was dying, he had taken an action wrote a letter to that guy trying to explain everything he could; to say sorry for past days he has been allowed the relationship between both of them to become worse and worse, and solemn to swear he had not any evil ideas through verbal conversation try to hurt that guy for a very long time ago; all the words he had been spoken out were affirmative friendly talk between the two adult men. At least, John has thought like that.
Everything could not be changed, when the letter had sent and received by that guy after John had gone; but, some kinds of regret has been started to torment at the spirit of that guy; because, he  has made a serious mistake destroyed a friendship in his life.
At this moment, he has been starting to talk with the spirit of John, and have to try to get forgiveness.
Gradually, go to talk with the spirit of John, has become to be complicated; because of involving the theme of talks has some of desire and want to be succeed for asking by metaphysical existence.
The metaphysical existence is the spirit of John.
On the other words to explain the spirit of John has become to “Gods”.
In the minds of that guy, John has been living at the highest dimension after he died, and had the ability do anything he wants to do. Finally , that guy created a new “Gods” named of John.

2015年12月23日 星期三

80 At the 11 dimension 49 Let us to celebrate at highest dimension

In the Medieval of Christendom, the “Greatest thing” was being put on the born of Jesus Christ, and then, Christianity has been dominated the whole European for several centuries.
No matter what that is good thing or bad thing, the Humanity has been adapted living in the circumstances of religion, from born to death.
If your parents both are Christians that you must have been being brought up in religious family, and go to Church in every Sundays.
You have never been felt strange about the all kinds of procedures to celebrate Christmas: or, you have already been taught people must go to celebrate the born of "Holy Baby".
You will keep in smiles singing some Holy Songs, solemn to recitation of prayer, go to say Merry Christmas in several hundreds of times, and then, happy to exchange Christmas gifts; that is the tradition of Christmas in the eyes of people; even though, you don't believe Jesus, you would still be going to joy this festival, because that is traditional culture of humanity.
Nevertheless, I still have some confused about why in the tradition festivals has not "Devilmas"! 
If the elements in universe are always staying at relative existence stage; the positively substances has dominated the positively universe; so, in logically, the negatively substances must has been dominated the negatively universe.
Oh! I get it.
"Devilmas" would be being celebrated in the negatively universe.
At this time, in somewhere of highest dimension, the two different kinds of substances have been looking forward to seeing how to keep the part which they have owned of highest dimension in stabilize.
Because, in term of physics, stable is equivalent to success,
We don't like uncertainly thing and unstable situation, there's nothing to celebrate.
We just only to celebrate something is staying at stabilize stage.

2015年12月22日 星期二

79 At the 11 dimension 48 人倒是有點兒像螞蟻

螞蟻 生活在二維空間裡不會知道三維空間究竟是如何的模樣?
人 就像 螞蟻;生活在三維空間又能夠理解四維空間是如何模樣的,但是也局限於感觀能力的至極,並不會知道五維空間裡究竟是如何的模樣?
倘若 正如前衛科學家所言,靈魂 就是以五維空間作為居所;那麼,對於 當下 的伊德而言,就會是無比的安慰!
伊德媽 就在 五維空間裡過著一種超乎 想像的生活!
超脫了 那個禁錮了她靈魂十九年的臭皮囊,不再受到 時間 與 空間 的限制;不再需要忍受 因為氣管分泌物阻礙氣道 而等候孩子為她 暢通 氣道;不再感受到 頭蓋骨下陷所引致的諸般感觀不協調所造成的不適;也不再需要去承受著那種“欲言不語”的無助感覺。

這種 自由 就是走過生命的最終點線的唯一冠冕。
伊德媽 此生為夫君,為兒女所奉獻的一切,來到生命裡最後的一個眼前人把自己緊緊抱入 懷裡 的這一個瞬間,就是一切了!
造物主 安排這麼樣子的一個景象來給與 伊德媽 自由;孩子 縱然萬般捨不得,也接受!
伊德媽 重病不癒的日子或許已經超出了一個凡人所能夠承受的極限!如此般的遭遇,看在孩子眼裡,可以毫不猶疑的對造物主說:「祢 太殘忍了!」
就是清清楚楚的知道 至親 在此生裡從來都沒有幹過半點壞事,就算只是說說人家的閒話也近乎沒有;如此的一個好人卻被完完全全的拿走了“健康”,只剩下一個植物人的身軀躺在病床上;這不就是殘忍嗎?
如此的至親遭遇,就深深地在 伊德 的心靈裡刻寫了一個問號!
“宗教 解釋不了好人為何受苦”
“伊德 心靈裡的宗教,解釋不了 伊德媽 重病不癒十九年的日子是為了甚麼神旨安排”
說不了 半句 合乎宗教傳統禮儀的感恩說話!
就是當下 伊德 這個基督徒的體會!

伊德媽 在離世之前,在病房裡被弄斷了左手臂骨!這可以理解為得到 造物主好好照顧嗎?
倘若,作為一個“死忠”的基督教信徒,到了如此般的境況之下,仍然欣然仰望 天父的慈愛與照顧;那麼,人就真的接受了“人”自身再也算不得甚麼了!
造物主 的慈愛,彷彿就只在於讓 人在 諸般的禍患當中“死不了”!

這就是 伊德 心靈深處經常隱隱作痛的“宗教矛盾感”!
至親的不幸遭遇,就是 孩子 十九年來 對造物主決意殘忍的哀號!
若然,當下仍然有人對 伊德 說“這些都是神的旨意,人只能夠仰望天父的慈愛以至不會落空”
伊德 就只能夠無言!
就像 約伯 承受著 家破人亡 的 事實擺在眼前的日子,他也只能夠無言!
“無言”或許 就是 約伯 對自身命運的控訴!
他 的宗教信仰根深柢固的讓他知道 人的命運 從來都不曾掌握在自己手上,一切都是取決於“神旨”的意志取向;故此,家破人亡了的約伯,沒有向著蒼天咒罵,也沒有向人尋求安慰;他只是無言地坐在地上;他的世界末日了!
現在回看 伊德 的世界,其實在一九九五年五月九日晚上,也末日了!
這種 末日的感覺 是心靈上的絞痛引致 感觀觸覺關閉了 人 對週遭世界的反應!
從那時候開始,伊德 一直都在等待 造物主 會讓我知道“伊德媽 為何受苦?”
若不然,宗教 就只能夠被笑說 只是一種人類自我麻痺痛楚的安慰劑。
來到這裡,就會知道 伊德 不是那種開口就會說“哈利路亞”“感謝主”的信徒;從前不是,現在也不是!
伊德 的信仰追求 並不是要自己面對哀傷的時候口裡硬是要強迫自己去說“感謝主”;這並不是真正打從心底裡的呼喚,只是拿來滿足週遭人群的期望!
伊德媽 在這 十九年的歲月裡,要用那一種天秤來衡量 她 的遭遇是“福”還是“禍”?
在 此消彼長 的情況之下,兒女不離不棄的守候在病床邊照顧與愛護可以拿來抵消變成為植物人的事實嗎?

但是,身為一個孩子,卻真心希望能夠找到過去十九年 伊德媽 所承受的病痛究竟是為了怎麼的一回事?

或許,伊德 也就是一隻 螞蟻!
在一個 低維度的空間 尋找一條通向心靈慰藉的道路。
結果,徘徊在只有 前 後 左 右的空間當中找不到出口, 於是, 只能夠 把 此生的疑問收藏於一個 能夠容納無限量沉重的抽屜裡 讓時間緩慢地把它們分解, 直到再難以辨認出它們本來的面目, 之後,對自身的靈魂說一句安慰的說話:「它們都被解決掉了!」

或許,就只能夠去期待自身的靈魂真的被解放了之後,才能夠領悟到 五維空間 的實相, 在一個偶然的瞬間 察覺到 一份跟至親千里重遇的感覺; 靈魂與靈魂相互交流的不言而喻,恐怕在此世界沒有任何人能夠理解箇中滋味,只能夠以一顆曾經滄海的心靈去想像。

來到這個節根兒,心裡倒是有一丁點兒的謙卑,自覺跟一隻爬在地上的螞蟻沒有甚麼分別,大家都只能夠在屬於自己的 維度裡來來往往,沒能夠找到一個超越 維度出口。

2015年12月15日 星期二

78 At the 11 dimension 47 "The God Wills It" to massacre?

How many times Humans wanted to do something good in which  they  are concerned, afterward, the result of reveal was absolutely disappointed for everyone, but they had still been to choose to believe that they did it well.
“The Crusade” is the most of controversial topic about “The God Wills”, it is as similar as some greedy men try to decorate with religious call up, and let them becomes to be a group of knights.
In 1096, Peter the Hermit was a charming preacher had an authorize from Pope to role as a spiritual leader went to led “The People’s Crusade”, after they had all taken a solemn oath to prepare sacrifice for God, and to make a long and dangerous journey to Middle East.
Actually, the Crusaders were separating into several contingents, and led by different leaders.
The original purpose of The First Crusade was Pope Urban II responding to the Byzantine Emperor Alexius II who was asking for military aid from the west, try to resistance continuously threaten from Muslim.
The rewards of the Crusade were redemption the sins of the Crusaders, and had taken the land which were freeing from Muslims by war.
In fact, “The People’s Crusade” which was leading by Peter the Hermit has not succeeded, eventually, Peter left the Crusade and returned to Constantinople.
The other leaders of another group of Crusaders had taken an illogically decisions, chosen the Jews as similar as the Muslims, forcing them convert their religion to believe Jesus, and massacring who had refused.

2015年12月13日 星期日

77 At the 11 dimension 46 To be honest.

A guy does a lot of things to hurt people in torment for a very long time; afterward, he turns back to the Church, trying to get forgiveness from God, and showing some kinds of behaviors with decorate as penance try to exchange the trust from the religious believers.
Do you accept those scenes are true?
Yes, I am going to talk about Japan and Germany, although Italy was the member of the Axis, goes to invade the others countries, but her influences at the war that let them compared with Japan and Germany are limited.
The Second World War was the disaster, it made by Humans and written in the history of Mankind.
At before Germany initiated war and invaded Poland, she was a Christendom, has had a formal ideology of religious moral to support her philosophy, and let the people tried to go through the darkness after the First World War.
At this moment, Hitler has owned the power to control the political arena of Germany.
On the other hand, after the Meiji Restoration, Japan had become as strong as Western European Powers, and wanted to get more resources from her neighbor countries, tried to maintain uninterrupted development of modernization. She hadn’t used diplomatic protocols to make an agreement with the neighbors, but had chosen aggression.
Now we all have known that the events of Nazi concentration camps how to make Jews and Gypsy suffering terrible tormented for years.
 Japan initiated the Pacific War dreaming to conquer the whole Asian, implement the blood thirsty policies to governance them, and killed several hundred thousand innocent Asian. 
Several decades later, the Government of Japan had been denying that at the Second World War they had done evil things in Asian, and they had done massacre at Nanjing.
The Government of Japan had always to proclaim they had to introspection their behaviors at the Second World War; that just only to hint on why they were being defeated, not their greedy behaviors made Asian suffered in torment at war.
The attitude of Germany is absolutely difference with Japan, they proclaimed in public, all the concentration camps had built at the Second World War, the responsibility was Germans, none of the others people had the responsibility of an unforgiven terrible sins, and  recognized they were the bad guy at the Second World War. 
Now, which government you would have to accept her guilt what they had done at Second World War, and try to trust them in the future.

2015年12月12日 星期六

76 At the 11 dimension 45 Struggle between the King and the Pope

Since the Christianity went to establish a system of Church, gradually proclaiming the rules about the behaviors of Christians, try to visualize the image of Heaven, the ideology of Heaven had become spilt to two images; one of the Earth, another of the Heavenly.
These two kinds of Ideology of Heaven have to continuously uncoordinated in the history of human.
In medieval Europe had performed a dramatic struggle between the Pope and the Divine Right of King.
In 1077, the Pope Gregory VII try to lift his influence has changed the rules in which he could invest bishops; that represent he would not have to seek the approval of the Emperor.
The Holy Roman Emperor, Henry IV has being angered for Pope’s unfriendly action; immediately, he taken reaction to deny Gregory as pope. Afterward, Gregory has struck back, excommunicating Henry and withdrawing his support to Henry’s right to the German throne.
In this era, if the king lacked the support from the Holy Church by Pope, his people would not be accepted Henry is their King, that could be shaking the throne of Henry.
Henry had been placed the chess pieces in the wrong position at the beginning of the chess game. He has needed to take the concession, because he has not enough strength go to fight two battle field at the same time; at first, he needs to concentrate his abilities go to settle the rebellions of his nobles.
Therefore, he made a decision to role a humble king, and trying to get forgiveness from Pope Gregory VII.  
Henry is deliberately wearing no shoes, and clothed in a hair shirt for penance. On January 25, 1077, he has been stood in the place of Canossa with barefoot and freezing in the snow for three days, waiting for summon by the Pope Gregory VII.
Finally, Henry was welcomed back into the Church, after he knelt in front of Pope Gregory VII and begged forgiveness.
The story has continued.
In 1084, after ended the rebellions of the nobles, Henry has assembled his armies to south invaded Italy, laid siege to Rome, and exiled Pope Gregory VII.
In this story of the struggle between Holy Roman Emperor and Pope, you would say who is bad the guy! And who has the pass come into the Heaven.

2015年12月11日 星期五

75 At the 11 dimension 44 The definition of the relationship between God and Humans

We want to found a Heaven in the earth, but, the result is created a Hell.
Yes, we did it.
We go to study the combination of element for increasing knowledge; then, we created nuclear bomb.
Yes, we did it.
We want to have some materials which we have been lacked; afterward, we used contract to plunder the materials from another people.
Yes, we did it.
We want to preach our religion is the best one of the world; we didn’t hesitate and spreading this message in public, if anyone had never to believe our religion that must be go to Hell.
Yes, we did it.
We want to have a family, so, we get married to someone; in shortly, we let beloved tasting alone with sadly.
Yes, we did it.
We want to have true love from someone, and we have got it; a few days later, we slept with another stranger in the bed.
Yes, we did it.
All we have to do no matter how pure and holy, it would have probably been become dirty and evil.
It just like from peace to war, from love to hate, from loyalty to betrayal, and from devout believer to atheist.
Someone would say those things are the God’s will, Humans just like a chess piece placed at the chessboard without any self-determination.
God is controlled everything.
You may be bored. Because of master going to control your life day by day; but, the clergy must say people becomes to God’s servant is a blessing.
That is the deeply ideology of God, he has been arranged   humans freely in the journey of life in day time; and, he has also been wanted humans to serve him like a servant at night.
Do you think God needs people to serve him like a servant?

It may be just only an exaggerated commentary by Church try to explain the relationship between Humans and God.

74 At the 11 dimension 43 Truth has been inverted

Do you believe some people would be doing very well in their life and have been sure there is nothing to reward given from God?
We could be saying Confucius has not religious background, he comes into the society to speak out his ideology to the people who has devoted to Confucianism, and goes to try to practice benevolence in life.
Therefore, we would say that a man who has loyalty been followed Confucianism, he is an atheist in his times, and trying to do something difference from the real world.
They all have to know that would be an impossible mission; carrying their luggage and walking out of cottage; afterward, come into the countries with their enthusiasm and lobbying the Military Governors, hoping someone who have been controlled the supreme power for a long time, try to accept the ideology of Confucianism, and go to implement the policies of benevolence.
In the times of Confucius that was likely to dreaming, but, they had been done the best of them.

They have done nothing to force people must be following them go to establish a wonderful world. This is difference to today’s world, the people who has want to proclaim the ideology of freedom and democracy, he always with guns and aircraft, they want to change the world becomes to more safely, but the outcome of the action from them are inverted, we have seen in today’s media, it is not as similar as the original.

2015年12月10日 星期四

73 At the 11 dimension 42 Moses and Confucius

Now we all had to know Confucius was failed in his times, without any governor of the countries had interested in his ideology to practice benevolence, and try to restore the harmony of the era of Three Kings and Five Emperors.
Honestly, Confucius was the actor of tragedy, he played as a wise man living in the wrong place at the wrong times, tried to contribute his whole life to preach the ideology of Confucianism about the importance of benevolence.
He was failed, but he was the great.
In the history of Human, “The great” is explanation that almost all the great leaders had not succeeded in their times, but, they were  touched people’s heart.
Confucianism had no places to show its value, almost all the governors had rejected to implement the policies of benevolence.  This must have been let Confucius disappointed. But, the great leaders have never been being destroyed by failure; they could have been found the way, to continue preaching their ideas, and still want to change the world better than the old one.
It often needs a very long time to prove the ideology of Confucianism would implemented, which might be happened a several hundred years later. Nobody could have been living for several hundred years, and to witness dreams has come true.
Everybody would have tired of the uncertain things staying at the same place for a long time, and never moved to the place called Canaan.
After forty years exiling in the wilderness, almost all Israelis who had joined the original migration team and came out of Egypt, they were dead.
The people who had been allowed came into the land of Canaan by Jehovah were the new generation of Israelis and were born in the wilderness.
Confucius has as similar as Moses encountered, he had never seen his ideas had been truly implemented in the vassal states. After a several hundred years until Han Wudi the king of Western Han Dynasty, he had taken Confucianism as the only one officially ideology of his country, try to rebuild the centralizing control system , let all the vassal states under control with this system, and let the people would accepted he is the divine right of king go to ruling mortal.
Thereby, the Confucianism conquered the land of China over two thousand years ago, although this kind of Confucianism has difference from the original, it was not as same as the pure of Confucius’s ideas, he taught to his students at two thousand and five hundred years ago.
All the Israelis had been believed Moses living in the Heaven for a very long, long time. Because they needed Moses lived in Heaven that could have proven their history and religion were truth.
But, Confucius do not need the Heaven to prove his faith and ideas are the truth, and try to practice benevolence is the basic behavior to distinguish the difference between Humans and Animals.

2015年12月8日 星期二

72 At the 11 dimension 41 The Confucianism is the actively ideology

We could have to say the philosophers of Ancient China used the positive attitude went to facing the problem about how to live in the earth, and try to find out the solution to solve the problem which has made everything become complicated.
In the ideas of Confucianism, the complicated things could have destructed harmony; and only to have harmony, it could have  awaken up the soul of Mankind, that would be able to practice benevolence, so, Mankind should be learnt from Confucianism to find a way to manage the complicated things, and always to keep the purpose of life to practice benevolence in life.
Therefore, we would have to say the original philosophy of Ancient China, it is always to encourage people try to contribute the best of life to another people, and try to prove Mankind has difference with the animals. So Confucius is focusing on life, at the moment of breathing, in the day time, at the midnight. He is always concerned “Now”, do not waiting for the redemption, and also do not want to get the pass come into the Heaven.
So, the living condition after death; that is no mean nothing for them need to concern.
Someone would be reckless to say Confucianism is the passive ideology, that could have been found a few evidences from the history of Medieval China; but the original ideology of Confucianism, is the actively ideology and emphasized Mankind must be doing something try to practice benevolence during life.

2015年12月7日 星期一

71 At the 11 dimension 40 Harmony in the Ancient China

The original theory of Confucianism is a realistic guideline of life.
Confucius has purposed to restore the spirit of the era of three Kings and five Emperors with Confucianism; because, he thinks this era is the golden age of moral to maintain a harmonious society in China.
In the era of Three Kings and Five Emperors, all the people have known where are the position in the system of nation have to suits them to live, and they will not try to break the traditional limitations that has been given them the minimum protection of life. They would have been worried about if the system has broken down, they would have to lose everything, so they have to choose obey the law to exchange a stable life.
A stable life is established on the stable society, and the stable society is based on the efficient government can be keep the balance of politics.
Confucianism has explained the balance of politics is all the people has no complained about the lower-class or the upper-class, they all have to accept the benefit which they have owned are the remuneration from the King for them. Then, the king had kept the throne because of the people had to feel that they were living in harmonious society, they reported the news to the Sky, and desired to the sky blessing their King.
This is harmony in the Ancient China.

In Confucius’s heart, that is the perfection of life and which can be found in the world by Humans. So, why people has continued keep on trying and wanted to know more about what would be happen after death. 

2015年12月6日 星期日

70 At the 11 dimension 39 Try to practice Benevolence

Somebody would say Heaven is the make up to the weaker; because of in their life they had nothing to succeed, suffered in the torment, and could not find anywhere is the position of their life.
So, they desire to have some differences between Heaven and Reality, let them to feel a little comfortable with their life to fill the emptiness. Even though, they could not to imagine about the exactly location for spirit would be going to anywhere after death. Therefore, the Heaven is the good places for them try to keep the hopes of life, and encourage them still have something worth for fighting.
That is the value of the faith about the Heaven, and to figure out where is the position we have been living in the world.
In fact, we are all the weaker when the death knocking on our door. We can’t do anything to postpone our death for a few minutes; we also don’t know how to evaluation our life when we always to ignore our families, friends, and beloved; if we were concerning about them.
Suddenly, I am thinking about Confucius, he is the famous philosopher of Ancient China, he had some speak tried to explain about the life after death, “We have no ability to get to know the completely significances about life, therefore, how we to get to know the situations of death?”
It doesn’t mean that Confucius never to concern people who are living in the world would be encountered something that could be threatened their life.
It just to say, Benevolence in the theories of Confucianism, is the pinpoint to distinguish Humans is difference with the Animals.
Just because of people are trying to practice Benevolence in their life, not matter they had to succeed or not, Benevolence has been done, life has already been completed.

When people have tried to succeed Benevolence in their life, there are no more reasons to worry about what are the situations after death.

2015年12月5日 星期六

69 At the 11 dimension 38 The apologist

What reason let you to make a decision to stay up late last night?
Did you sitting in the armchair in front of the television, and watching English Premier League last night?
Or, opened a history book “100 Days That Shaped The world” read the page 157 about “Demark Is Converted to Christianity”, got to know how “Poppo picked up a hot iron, but was unharmed by the searing heat”, the miracles persuaded the King Harald Bluetooth of Denmark believed in the power of the Christian God and immediately demanded the conversion of all Danes.
This miracle happened in 988.
Apparently, it was a religious miracle, converted the king of Denmark believed the Christian God, let the Christians praise to God, and glory to the Creator. But, most of the people were choosing to ignore about political reasons in the consideration of the King of Denmark.
Harald the king of Denmark has to need some supreme images of worship, to consolidate his power to rule the Danes; and unifying the country.
Perhaps, Poppe has the abilities, let them to bear the extremely pain, therefore, Harald made a decision used the influences of this miracle, let them related with his people to establish an image about identify of his apologist.
It works.
That was the result of my stay up late last night.

Sometimes, people would be doing something special to let them become more holiness, and truly to believe they were holiness. Even though, in fact, they weren’t.

2015年12月4日 星期五

68 At the 11 dimension 37 The God's will

In medieval Europe, nobody would have explicitly rejected the work which the clergy distributed to him. Because, in this era, the religion is everything of life, the influence from Church by the priests is more than the parents disciplining children.
Therefore, the conducts of the clergy were the important reason let the society became better or worse.
In the era of theocracy, it had been the dark age of the humanity, but also had been the golden age of the power of the Holy Church.
When the Church owned the power to dominate all kinds of behaviours of the believers, then, something had been changed.
A few of the priests and bishops are actually the rogue, in their spirits are hided some of evil things, waiting for the chances to reveal greedy nature. They are always using the name of God to explain everything has authorized from God; are the God’s will.
If you are believer, and has been living in the era of the theocracy, unfortunately, being shepherded under the greedy clergy, you would have been felt upset; because of the metaphysical existence likely to do nothing to highlighting justice, at this moment, start to questioning everything about the relationship between God and Humans.
In fact, the metaphysical existence had done nothing. All the dramatic incidents, no matter what good things or bad things were making by people, then, proclaimed in public that everything they had done were being called God’s will.
When people had been accepted everything happened in life are the message coming from God. However, the leaders of Holy Church must had the authority to explain the meaning of all kinds of dramatic incident, and the explanation from the Holy Church was the supreme truth, could not be questioned.
Unfortunately, Humans had the abilities to think everything about their life, but in the medieval Europe these abilities had could not be allowed by the Holy Church.
The Holy Church don’t want believer go to find out the truth outside of the Church, it is because of they don’t know the everything about our world and our life, but, they also to think they have the responsibility to protect the supreme power of the Holy Church is the only one agent of God in the world; so, they ask to the people “Just only to believe God that everything will be all right.”
That is only the comforting talk; but the people and the Holy Church try to explain that is the truth.
“Everything will be all right”, that mean people should be go to accept something they don’t want to be; because that is God’s will.