

2015年11月16日 星期一

54 At the 11 dimension 23 Nicolas Copernicus locked the sun in the box

If based on the public interest, going to proclaim some news would have brought some seriously damage for faith, and let some people get hurt, at the moment, try to keep temporarily silence may be a good ideas, if some people are not ready to bear the truth is not true, in which has already been given support to  people to make sure that truth is worthy for fighting.
In the middle ages of Europe, the conservative of ideology and the acknowledgement of religion proclaimed the earth was the centre of the universe, that was the truth to support the all kinds of religious ideology, and authorized the church had power to rule the behaviours of the people.
The power of the Holy Church as similar as the Feudal Dynasty, it was the period of theocracy dominated the Continental Europe.
At the Renaissance, many things and theories had been allowed to release, but not everything. Nicolas Copernicus, he was a famous scholar in European in his time, he had found the phenomenon of sun in the universe, “He formulated a model of the universe that placed the sun rather than the earth at the centre of the universe”.
It was totally difference with the conservative acknowledgement of religious ideology. "The earth is the centre of the universe'. In this conservative ideology, it had supported the Holy Church had authorized to control the people in their whole life.
 At first, nobody can be estimated “The sun is the centre of the universe”. This is the heresy of the Holy Church. Based on the creator is God, the earth is the starting point of the procedure of the creation, the sun and the stars are placed in the sky around the earth.
Nicolas Copernicus has been felt something would be taken him into dangerous situation, if his theory “The sun is the centre of the universe” published in formal.
So, he has unwilling to publish “The sun is the centre of the universe” in public, until a few years before he died.

The truth was being locked in the box for very long time.

