Hong Kong has crowded city, most of the Hong Kong People are living in
small apartment, that is not enough space to support people to keep hobbies
in their life.
In this situation, hobbies needs to become miniaturization.
"Mini Greenhouse" is popular in Hong Kong , right now.
My ideas was confirmed in yesterday.
Yesterday, I went to" Monk Kok Flowers Market"'.
I discovered the hottest goods in the stores were "Mini
The price of "Middle Size Mini Greenhouse" more than one thousand HK dollar, and the plants in those "Mini Greenhouse" were almost common species.
That was too expensive.
Therefore, I always talk to myself " Please, don't buy it" in the stores
back to home with struggling.
Actually, I have a hobbies of "aquarium", when my mother was passes away in this year, my aquariums were became to empty.
When I look at three empty aquariums, I have an ideas.
I planted a lot of plants in three empty aquariums, let them became to
"Mini Greenhouse", and took some pictures.
My Friends, please let me to know how much price you would
be willing to buy these "Mini Greenhouse".