

2016年1月6日 星期三

93 At the 11 dimension 63 The mystery of life

“The mystery of life”

Supposing you have logically ideas and have believed God, you should be experienced a lot of spiritual struggle; how to accept "God's will", as they are totally different with your expectation. At the same time, you have also wanted to find any sign of faith, to support you took to the road go through sadness, and have not lost the manners in the eyes of your friends, to confirm you have still devoted your lives to preaching.
Unfortunately, you have not found anything to persuade yourself, all the events are being happened is planned by "God's will."
Honestly, it is no big deal.
Who hasn't had felt losing the faith?
We just only to need to keep alive, and then, settle down in somewhere, wait and see what would be going to happening to help us trying to figure out the mystery of life.
The answers of questioning about life, it doesn’t absolutely would be revealed from the black hole, and it may be kept in secret until we died.
We have already been accepted the all kinds of terrible things happened to us; we couldn't back to the past to make it different. And then, a sudden enlightenment happened in our mind... “We are all just only mortal”.
 Life is shortly, it has not enough time to give us a chance to witness "the individual event" how to produce the history of Humans.

The answer must have been left to next generation, hope them would have the abilities to put the all kinds of "the individual events" gather together to reveal the full picture.

2016年1月5日 星期二

92 At the 11 dimension 62 It is difficult to believe metaphysical

“It is difficult to believe metaphysical”

In case you have logically ideas and used them in your life, it is difficult to believe metaphysical. Unless, you have being raised at the religious family, and goes to affirmative your families are not mentally ills; because they are able to pray with god directly, and have received some responses strengthen their religious devotion. The most important things you have inherited from them, they have given you “the positive attitudes”; it shows how to believe God, and not becomes superstition.
You caught cold and fever; you have chosen to go to see your doctor to get prescription takes medicine. Not staying at home praying with God to pray get well. 
You want beloved one comes into Heaven to stay away painful life in the world, and have been felt consolation in your mind through the ideology of Heaven.
You hope our world have still been existed kindness, justice and ethics. Even though, we have seen all kinds of ugly things are continued happening in every day.
We would say these attitudes of life have to reveal the meaningful of religion; not the Humans superstition.
On the other hand, if you have not grown up in religious family, but believed God, that would been a miracle. You must have experienced a sudden enlightenment about an unexplained mentally touching, let you to believe God’s will, and to lead you go through everything, as you are struggling to survive.

91 At the 11 dimension 61 The excuse of everything

The excuse of everything

We all had used to get excused for the ugly things of Humans, are the unexpected planning by "God's will"; we can not do anything to prevent Bad Guys to have power to do anything what they want to do, because, these are 'God's will". At that moment, God has stood beside the Bad Guys let them to do anything to torment innocent people.
So bored!
Why we have always heard something about Evil waris going to need to connect with Humans, and let them fallen into the all kinds of battles, because of fighting justice that would be revealed the contradiction of ethics, the collision of religion, and the dissension of politics, all of these have controlled by someone behind the scenes.
Why Humans have always being involved the fight about the existences of metaphysical, and cannot be living in the world freely.
Why we all had used to get let everything related with Gods will, not accept situations becomes worse and worse because of we have done something wrong, and all the events are responsibility only of us.
Without any temptation from Devil, just only we want to do something to fulfill our desires.
These are the theologies of atheist.

2016年1月4日 星期一

90 At the 11 dimension 60 The mistake becomes crime

Every generation has their facing problems, and has their formal reaction procedures. But, the aims of the reaction of procedures are the same, is try to solve these problems and under to control the situations, don't let them becomes to disaster.
If the legend of religion is true, since   humans has being lived in  the world; at the universe, God and Devil have already become sworn enemy , so that, God and Angel have frequently fought for ethics let them to reveal, have always jumped into the confrontation of justice, and to  fight Devil with his way; its aims are keeping Humans that they are living in the world, would be able to know kindness, justice and ethics are the characteristic of God, and under his effective control everything would be all right, not to get worse and worse; based on his characteristic of kindness, he would be sent out his agent  "Angel" came down to the world to do something about crisis management in the history of Humans.
Let them to explain why we should do something about crisis management to control the situations, let them not to become worse and worse; because we have done something wrong, and we want to keep it secret never let others to know what we have already done anything very ugly things.
In the world of Humans, especially in the Department of Government, they have always needed to do something about crisis management to keep lot of ugly things in secret; all these ugly things were included something of inadvertence, but have also included lot of attempted to hide the deliberately behaviours of crimes.
The one of the Humans characteristic has been having the self-defences reaction. They have used to get to deny everything about accused themselves the behaviours at the first reacting, no matter what about the accusations are true or not.
If the accusation is true, they would not have to recognize, but, immediately go to strike back the accuser is an ugly person, he has nothing to prove what he had said. And then, they have been started to do something false behaviours to hide their mistakes; gradually, the mistakes became crimes, its let someone who has not enough courage goes to admit he have done a mistake, and instead of using a new behaviours of crime tries to hide the old one.
The mistakes became crimes, afterward, the crimes became seriously offenses; let the situation becomes worse and worse.

2016年1月3日 星期日

89 At the 11 dimension 59 What is Angel

Nietzsche had said: "The philosopher is the one who has been continuing experiences, has been observing events, have been keeping suspicious, has been non-stopping hopes, and has been dreaming unusual events person”.
If this is the exactly correct descriptions, this kind of person would have always been feeling tired.
The philosophers must needs the super power and special skill to support their job, have not been affecting by mental exhaustion, always to excluded not logical events and superstitious things of life. They have often been desired to give the answers to reply unexplained circumstances to people.
Unfortunately, they would not have always been succeeded; because, the traditional custom has had already been penetrated into the living style of people.
The traditional of ideology of religion has proclaimed Heaven is placed in the highest dimension, the existences of metaphysical have stayed in the heaven, so, God and Angels would have being found living in there. They have been planned all kind of experiences and to put them into the life of people; that is the explanation about why life has not been controlled by people.
Angel is the agent of God, and have several kinds of Angel goes to response different kinds of "God's will" to the mortal, and the work has been divided into very clearly process.
The knowledge of management of Humans had been using into the Heaven.
Do you think this description has any logically argument to prove itself is true?
Christianity theologians must say "Yes".
But, the experienced philosopher would have been kept in silence until they figure out the evidences to negate the characteristic of Angel.

2016年1月2日 星期六

88 At the 11 dimension 58 The death affected the life

“The dead affected the alive”

“Has any usefulness, as we have still been going to love someone, who had  died?
This is a good question that I have heard from the movie dialogue. And responded from the actor is gently shaking his head to express “nothing”.
But I am very sure there has been hidden some valuable treasures to us, waiting for a suitable chance to reveal its meanings, and has given the abilities of adaptation let us to reply all the unsatisfied of life in positive mind.
Because of we are still loved the one who has been dead, just like the one who has always been living in our heart , and to be able sharing happiness or sadness with us in the real world. So, we have not wanted to let them goes to feel disappointed from our behaviours.
We would be done the best if we could.
That is the usefulness when we have still been going to love someone who has been died.
It as similar as people who has been believed the existence of Heaven, and have always been reminded themselves, needs to be a  honest person living in the world.
At that time, no matter what the existence of Heaven is the real or not, it has been contributed something good and affected Mankind try to do the best if they could.

2016年1月1日 星期五

88 At the 11 dimension 57 賭一局上帝是否存在

    這篇是舊文章,重貼於此題目之下 “At the 11 dimension”
    在不去“挑戰”別人,也不希望別人來“傷害”自己的人生定位上,表達自己在生命裡的感受,是一種樸素的人文主義; 把它們說成為是一種“主義”可能並不適合,因為在“當事人”心目中本來就沒有任何生活上的規條法則,只是去做一個思想自由的人。

    故此,拿出 帕斯卡的“賭論”放在“上帝是否存在”這個問題上來“打賭”,只能夠吸引沒有“堅定”宗教信仰的基督徒才會願意“下注”跟非信徒“對賭”。
    但是這樣的一個“賭局”也是應該最多人參與的! 因為, 它實在很有吸引力。
